Lost Lands Music Festival 2017

We are less than a 48 hours away from 750,000 watts of bass, new friends, neck breaking, and dinosaurs at the inaugural Lost Lands Music Festival in Legend Valley, Ohio! (Yeah, that's right, dinosaurs are back!)
Jeff (Excision), aka the king of bass, has gathered the best heavy bass artists from all over the world to attend this historic event in Thornville, Ohio. With special guest Seven Lions, Destroid reunion performance, back-to-back sets from Excision, Datsik, Figure and Midnight Tyrannosaurus, you won't want to miss out on!
Lost Lands is sure to make the ground shake with the 750,000 watt sound system and incredible stages that they have had custom built. Two of the themed stages are the Prehistoric Paradox Stage and the Caves of Soul stage which has 360 degrees of production. When Lost Lands was first announced, they predicted 500,000 watts of bass, but why stop there? Jeff raised that limit! Headbangers! When we first launched Lost Lands I could guarantee we'd be bringing 500k watts of sound. That was just to give you an idea... But after working out the details with the guys at PK Sound, our actual wattage is going to be over 750k! Just to be clear though, watts aren't everything. COVERAGE is where it's at. You can pump as many watts as you want, but what really makes a show sound great is being able to hear perfectly from anywhere in the venue… We're also giving out a free set of earplugs to every guest so you can keep your eardrums safe. See you there!” (Jeff Abel, Excision Reddit Page).
Back in May, huge news came from Excision's twitter, hinting at an Excision curated festival. 4 months later, it is finally coming a reality.

The anticipation for the festival's first year is electrifying. Lost Lands is the topic on many social media sites and attendees are excited to experience this brand new festival. These headbangers have been waiting for an Excision festival for months, even years! 
Sets You Don't Want to Miss

·    Rezz
·    Zeds Dead
·    Seven Lions
·    12th Planet
·    Dion Timmer
·    Illenium (His newest album "Awake" came out September 21st)
·    Excision B2B Datsik
·    Destroid
·    Snails
·    Kai Wachi
·    Herobust
·    Barely Alive B2B Virtual Riot
Stay tuned next weekend on our Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram for daily photos and videos @RedRollOfficial and on our Snapchat @Red_Roll.
You might be thinking, should I stay or should I go? If you can deal with a lot of bass, EDM music, mostly dubstep, some music that is a big slower to give you a break and put you in your “feels”, camping for 2 nights, dinosaurs, and just want to have a good time and enjoy this kind of crowd, then Lost Lands is the festival for you! With the anticipation of this festival, being the first ever festival hosted by Excision (Jeff Abel himself), and a killer line-up, who knows what to expect or what else they have in store for this weekend. Jeff has been updating his fans on his Lost Lands Fam 2017 Facebook Group, his Twitter, Instagram, and artist and personal Facebook page of every little detail, answers to questions, and reassuring his fans for an amazing weekend.

Check out the daily lineup below or click here for the daily schedule. This festival may be a few days away, but you can still purchase tickets at lostlandsfestival.com Tickets are 90% sold out so grab ‘em while you can. Camping might be sold out, but there are hotels near by with available rooms and shuffle busses included.

Here is the original post on Red Roll, the music entertainment website I work for. https://www.redroll.com/2017/09/22/tweets-reality-lost-lands/


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